Our Story


Because we all deserve time off.


It is no secret that taking a bath with essential oils offers many therapeutic benefits - it’s detoxifying, anti-inflammatory, relaxes muscles and promotes skin healing, to name a few. But there is so much more than just physical benefits - the magic of soaking in a warm bath, closing your eyes and feeling your own heartbeat. Thoughts finally stop. Time stands still.

‘Time’ gains a whole new perspective when you become a parent. As precious as it is to spend time with growing little humans, having the time to think, breathe and just slow down also becomes so precious. After becoming a mum myself, a little block of time alone in an essential oil and herb infused bath with my favourite cup of tea was a perfect way to recharge after a busy day.

‘Time off’ was born from wanting to give that experience to other busy mums around me. And the list grew - a friend who has been working long hours, a colleague who is going through a tough time, a sister who just achieved a career goal, and soon-to-be mamas. And of course, birthdays, anniversaries and simple ‘I thought of you’ moments.

Because we are all giving this life everything we have and we forget to take a break sometimes.

Let a loved one know they are in your thoughts, that you appreciate them, and give them an excuse to slow down, if only for the time it takes to draw a bath and relax in the moment. Because we all deserve time off (you too!).